Tag ~autonomous delivery

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Uber Eats pilots autonomous delivery with Serve Robotics Motional

Postmates lands permit to test its Serve autonomous delivery robots in SF

Starship Technologies CEO Lex Bayer on focus and opportunity in autonomous delivery

Selfdriving robot delivery startup Starship Technologies raises 25 million

Starship Technologies is bringing food delivery robots to four more US college campuses this year

Russian tech giant Yandex expands Israeli footprint with acquisition of Winds Tel Aviv operations

Avrides sidewalk delivery bots land in Japan

Kiwibot partners with hospitality giant Sodexo to bring food delivery robots to more college campuses

Autonomous delivery startup Nuro moves into logistics with FedEx

Neubility plans to roll out 400 lidarfree delivery and security robots by yearend

Uber spinout Serve Robotics gets 13M seed round to expand sidewalk robot deliveries

Starship Technologies raises 90M as its sidewalk robots pass 6M deliveries

Argo AI launches driverless autonomous vehicle testing in Miami Austin

Ford hints at shift to middle mile autonomous delivery with Argo AI

Top three takeaways from Nuros session at TC Sessions: Mobility

Cruise lays out its plan for how it will make robotaxis a reality

OttonomyIO raises 33 million to expand network of autonomous robots for deliveries

Mitsubishi partners with Cartken to break into the robotic delivery world

Nuros newest autonomous delivery bot is designed for the masses

Segway makes its first foray into sidewalk robot delivery with Coco partnership

Refraction AIs Matthew JohnsonRoberson on finding the middle path to robotic delivery

ChickfilA taps Refraction AI for autonomous delivery pilot